Do or Die

Yet again I stole a WordPress prompt and make it my own.

It was a coincidence really. I was reading the Minimalists blog last night and they were talking about how changes can occur if you use the right words to fortify the right attitude. Whenever we set New Year’s Resolutions, which word do we use? “Should” or “Must”? Of course we want to see results when we sought change, but how many times are we so adamant about it that it is get go from the first second?

Pretty much all the time we use “should”. I should start saving, I should start exercising, I should learn how to sew. It conveys the necessity to do something without much conviction. That’s setting ourself up to fail. But if we start to use “must”; I must start saving, I must start exercising, I must learn how to sew; it suddenly sound like your life depends on it to happen, “DO OR DIE!” it screams. The sound of urgency rings loud and clear. I am not saying it will sustain you the whole journey (Hooray to you if it does) but it sure gave you an extra oomph to get your first foot out of the door.